If you ever wondered what exactly is Cake Smash Photography , and if you baby should have his/ her first Birthday Session but you weren’t sure what exactly is a cake smash – let me throw some light on any questions you may have!
Cake Smash photography is a trend that started in the US and is getting more and more popular all around the world. Turning one is such a great, big and meaningful milestone. It is one of the sweetest memories in your baby’s life. Many Parents would also use the images from the session for the birthday child’s party invites. This means the session often takes place ahead of their actual birthday. And that is exactly how I schedule 99% of my First Birthday and cake smash sessions – ahead of time (usually one month).
During my First Birthday Portrait Session I always capture your little ones portraits PRIOR to the cake smash (I call them clean images). Quite often parents join the baby, sibling are always welcome too. However the main focus is always on your baby. After that – comes the cake and the fun part – cake smash a.k.a. messy part Most babies LOVE to smash the cake, some are very gentle about it, but on occasion I get little ones who absolutely demolish the cake. Whatever your little one is doing – there is no right or wrong!
The actual Cake smash sessions are child led, this means we go at your children’s pace. If they are getting bored we move on. It they need a break to have a sip of water -we take a break, diaper change – brake, or simply if they need a cuddle from mom or dad. I want your little one to be happy.
Because of this shoots can sometimes take longer. I usually aim for 1 hr, I find 60 minutes to be my happy number. However I have done 30 min sessions with plenty of beautiful images and also 90 min sessions.
After the messy part comes bath time! Babies have fun splashing and get clean in the same time. We have the most adorable little tub for your baby, perfect for their size. Sometimes we also add bubbles to the session. You need to trust me when I tell you that 100% of my little clients absolutely LOVE this part :).
That’s it! Of course there are more details – outfits, cake choices, props and decorations. But I hope you got at least a general idea what to expect during the Baby Portrait Session.
Attached below few photos from this little lady’s first birthday portrait session. The sweetest little face, and how adorable is her wrinkly nose and the 3 teeth showing!!
Check out another adorable little one having fun during his birthday cake smash session